What I'm Reading This Week (Jan 6th 2020)- The Future

Photo by Alex Knight from Pexels

Photo by Alex Knight from Pexels

There’s a lot of chatter among career professionals about what the future of work will look like. There’s so many different variables that will affect the future and I think we know maybe 10% of them. There are many jobs now that weren’t around 10 years ago and many more that have died out or are dying. How much do we struggle with this? How do we (all job seekers/ employed/ the world) find our way?

I see two major influences on the future.

  1. The Climate Catastrophe (ie Australia burning, right now)

    • Will bring about a huge change in the economy, transform consumerism, and possibly dismantle capitalism.

  2. Technology

    • Will transform careers. It’s possible AI and robots will do so much that humans don’t need to “work” anymore and we focus on creative pursuits and self actualizing. Every career changes or dies. Career Strategists (ie myself) may not be needed anymore.

I’ve always had a huge interest in Archaeology. I started my university degree in Arch. One thing that I noticed then (and the field has changed focus since) is that Archaeology was focused on the items, the finds, the artifacts of civilizations. What will our artifacts say about us, our work and our priorities?

Articles I’ve read and thought about this week:

It won’t be Pretty - Technological Tsunami

How to Future-proof Your Career

Smart Ideas that will define technology in 2020

We can only fight climate change if we also focus on the mundane

Are we on the road to civilisation collapse?