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Does a tradesperson need a resume? (Ask Me Mondays)

Q. I’m in trades (carpentry), do I really need a resume?

Yes, yes! Many times in the trades, potential employees are hired more on their reputation and who they know (networking/recommendations). However, when you are looking to change employers (maybe moving cities/provinces?) or applying online (larger company or union), you need a detailed resume.

To make a detailed resume, first list your duties under your positions. Use recognized terminology, not industry slang. Then think about all the achievements that you’ve done in those positions.

· What have you been recognized for, both informally (Good job today on __) and formally (in a work review).

· Are you safety conscious and give examples how.

· Do you know any special tools or equipment?

· Talk about the scope of work you’ve done,

· If you’ve supervised any crews and how many people.

· What your First Aid Status is (what level First Aid do you have) (can go in highlights

· Your certificates/qualifications (Red Seal etc).

· If you are applying for a union position, include your hours, not just years, of experience.

Do you need a cover letter? That’s dependent on the job. Are you applying for a supervisory position or office position, then yes. If you are applying to be on a crew, probably not.

Last but not least: Make sure your resume has been proof-read. Spelling mistakes and grammar matter.